Sunday, December 30, 2018

Snapdragon vs Mediatek: Which one is best as your phone's processor?

Whenever you pick anyone's phone, the first question you ask is which processor does this phone inside the hood? In this post we will try to put light on the two major mobile's processor companies and also their pros and cons.


If you have used cheaper phones like Micromax or Spice then you would have already come across the Mediatek processor. They are cheaper but they ave many drawbacks and top of those is the extremely rapid warming. Extreme heat is not good for the phone's battery which degrades fast if heating is not controlled. That's the reason Mediatek powered device's battery do dead earlier than any other processor's phones. The good news is that the new Helio series is quite powerful and heating is kept well under control. In latest Helio processors less than 25% battery consumption is observed which indicates that company has already started improving and things may change in coming few years and you may see Mediatek processors in premium flagship phones as well.


Snapdragon is Qaulcomm's one of the series of processors which are highly power efficient and obviously heats up lesser than Mediatek Processors. Be it Xiaomi's Redmi 6 or latest Oneplus 6T, most companies opt for snapdragon processors due to their popularity and demand. No doubt they are expensive but they are worth for the price because of following advantages.

⚫Offer great battery backup
⚫Lesser heat compared to Intel or MediaTek
⚫Better graphics performance than MT, hence better gaming performance
⚫Benchmark wise also they outperform the rest

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