Friday, November 30, 2018


China Artificial Moon Project: China is all set to shock everyone with its scientific experimental project. China is to install the moon in the sky, not one or two but a total of three moons. It has been reported that China will launch its artificial moon in the sky and will surprise the scientists around the world.

According to the report, by 2022 China will launch three artificial moons in the space. These artificial moons will be satellites made from glass, with the help of the sun's rays will reach the earth.

This project is under Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Micro Electronics Systems Research Institute Corporation. The purpose of this project in China is to lighten up the streets of China.

W.U. said that the Sun's rays can cover an area of 3600 square kilometres to 6400 square kilometres, and its illumination is likely to be 8 times more than the moon's light. After the implementation of this project, China will have about 1.2 billion yuan electricity. This will bring light to those places i
n China, where people still live in the dark.

Officials say that light intensity can also be adjusted and controlled according to the time. Let us tell that this is being done so that the cycle of the environment or nature can be maintained.


दोस्तों बाइक निर्माता कंपनी यामाहा बहुत जल्द भारतीय बाजार में अपनी नई स्पोर्ट्स बाइक को लॉन्च करने वाली है जिसका नाम यामाहा एमटी-15 रखा जाएगा और यह 150 सीसी सेगमेंट वाली नेकेड मोटरसाइकिल होगी । आपको बता दें कि यह बाइक R15 v3.0 का ही नेकेड वर्जन है जो अगले साल भारत में लॉन्च होने वाला है ।

इस बाइक के इंजन की बात करें तो इसमें आपको 150 सीसी का इंजन किया गया है जो 16.3 बीएचपी की पावर और 14 एनम के टार्क को जेनेरेट करता है और सुरक्षा के लिए इस बाइक में डिस्क ब्रेक्स दिए गए हैं

इस बाइक में आपको 6 स्पीड गियर्स दिए गए हैं जिनके साथ यह बाइक 130 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की टॉप स्पीड तक जा सकती है जिसके साथ यह आपको 45 किलोमीटर प्रति लीटर का माइलेज देगी । इन सभी फीचर्स के साथ इस बाइक को 1.2 लाख की एक्स शोरूम कीमत पर लॉन्च किया जायेगा ।

रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 350 - रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 350 ने इस लिस्ट में पहला स्थान प्राप्त किया है, इस बाइक की एक्स शोरूम कीमत 1,39,040 रूपये के आसपास है, 346 सीसी का पावरफुल इंजन दिया गया है जो की 19.8 बीएचपी की पावर जेनेरेट करता है, इस बाइक के 2 वेरिएंट और 8 कलर मौजूद हैं.

यामाहा वाइजेडएफ आर 15 वी 3 - दूसरे नंबर पर रही है यामाहा वाइजेडएफ आर 15 वी 3, इस बाइक की एक्स शोरूम कीमत 1,27,000 रूपये के आसपास है और इसमें 155 सीसी का इंजन लगा हुआ है, हाल ही में यह बाइक लॉन्च हुई थी, यामाहा वाइजेडएफ आर 15 वी 3 बाइक के 2 वेरिएंट और 3 कलर उपलब्ध हैं.

बजाज पल्सर 150 - तीसरे नंबर पर है बजाज पल्सर 150, इस बाइक की एक्स शोरूम कीमत 65,446 रूपये के आसपास है, इसमें 149 सीसी का इंजन लगा हुआ है जो की 45 किमी/ली तक का माइलेज देता है, इस बाइक के 4 वेरिएंट और 11 कलर उपलब्ध हैं.

जावा 42 - जावा 42 बाइक नवंबर 2018 में ही लॉन्च हुई है जिसकी एक्स शोरूम कीमत 1,55,000 रूपये के आसपास है, इसमें 293 सीसी का इंजन लगा हुआ है और इस बाइक का 1 वेरिएंट और 6 कलर उपलब्ध हैं.

टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीआर 160 - टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीआर 160 बाइक की एक्स शोरूम कीमत 77,098 रूपये के आसपास है, इसमें 160 सीसी का इंजन लगा हुआ है जो की 50 किमी/ली तक का माइलेज देता है, इस बाइक के 6 वेरिएंट और 7 कलर उपलब्ध हैं.

आज हम आपके लिए सोनी कंपनी के इक स्मार्टफोन के बारे में बताने जा रहे है। जो बहुत ही शानदार है। यह पेंसिल की नोक जितना पतला है। सोनी R6 के नाम से चीन में लॉन्च हो चुका है। इसका नाम भारत में है Sony Q5 .आइये अब आपको इसके फीचर्स के बारे में बताते है।

इसके खाश फीचर्स हैं

6.2 इंच की फुल HD स्क्रीन के साथ आएगा यह। कैमरा आजकल सबसे मुख्य फीचर बन गया है तो इसमें 32 मेगापिक्सल का ड्युल रियर कैमरा और 24 मेगापिक्सल का ड्यूल फ्रंट कैमरा मिलरहा है। बहुत शानदार चलने के आपको 845 का चिपसेट प्रोसेसर दिया जा रहा है। 6GB की रैम और 64GB का इंटरनल स्टोरेज मिल रही है। आजकल सभी ऑनलाइन हो गए है। तो बैटरी तो दमदार चाहिए होगी। तो इसमें आपको 7500MAH की बैटरी भी मिल रही है। इसके सभी फीचर बहुत जबरदस्त हैं।

कीमत सबसे बड़ा फैक्टर होता है

Sony Q5 की कीमत मात्र 16999 रूपये है। यह फ़ोन आपको ऑनलाइन साईट फ्लिपकार्ट पर आसानी से मिल जाएगा। तो जल्दी कीजिये। इस स्मार्टफोन को बहुत पसंद किया जा रहा है। ब्रांड भी बहुत मस्त है, Sony.

चीनी स्मार्टफोन निर्माता कंपनी Oppo के A72 स्मार्टफोन ने भारत मे एंट्री कर ली है। इस स्मार्टफोन में 13+2 ड्यूल रियर कैमरा सेटअप और 4230mAh की दमदार बैटरी दी गई है। भारत मे इस स्मार्टफोन की कीमत 13990 रुपये है।

क्यों खरीदें इस स्मार्टफोन को ?

क्योंकि इसमें 6.2 इंच का फुल-एचडी+ डिस्प्ले है जिसका रिजोल्यूशन 1080×2160 पिक्सल का है। यह फोन स्नैपड्रैगन 450 प्रोसेसर के साथ आता है। फोटोग्राफी के लिए इस फोन में ड्यूल रियर कैमरा सेटअप दिया गया है। इसका पहला सेंसर एफ/2.2 अपर्चर वाला 13 मेगापिक्सल का अल्ट्रा वाइड एंगल सेंसर है। वहीं, दूसरा 2 मेगापिक्सल का वाइड एंगल सेंसर है जो एफ/2.1 अपर्चर के साथ आता है। दोनों ही कैमरे एलईडी फ्लैश और सुपर एचडीआर सपोर्ट के साथ आते हैं। इसके अलावा 16 मेगापिक्सल का फ्रंट कैमरा दिया गया है।

इस स्मार्टफोन को पाॅवर सप्लाई देने के लिए 4230 एमएएच की दमदार बैटरी का उपयोग किया गया है। मल्टीटास्किंग के लिए 4 जीबी रैम मौजूद है। इस स्मार्टफोन की स्टोरेज 64 जीबी है जिसे 128 तक के माइक्रोएसडी कार्ड के जरिए बढ़ाया भी जा सकता है। स्मार्टफोन में एक अलग माइक्रोएसडी कार्ड स्लॉट के अलावा, डुअल सिम स्लॉट भी दिया गया है। इसके अलावा इस स्मार्टफोन में एंड्रॉइड के 8.1 ओरियो ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का सपोर्ट भी दिया गया है।

क्यों न खरीदें इस स्मार्टफोन को?

मुझे तो कोई भी कमी नही दिखी। अगर आपको कोई भी कमी दिखी हो तो अभी कमेंट करें और मुझे बताये।

खास टिप:- अगर आप इस स्मार्टफोन को खरीदने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं तो आपको इससे बेहतर स्मार्टफोन और कहीं नही मिल सकता।

Thursday, November 29, 2018


जयपुर। हाल ही में केटीएम ने अपनी सस्ती 125 ड्यूक को भारतीय बाजार में लॉन्च किया है। सस्ती होने के बावजूद यह बाइक होने के बावजूद यह बाइक काफी स्टाइलिश और स्पोर्टी लुक में पेश की गई है। कीमत और पावर के अनुसार इस 125 ड्यूक का मुकाबला बजाज की पल्सर 150 से माना जा रहा है। ऐसे में आज हम 125 ड्यक और पल्सर 150 में कम्पेयर करने जा रहे है।

पावर की बात करें तो बजाज पल्सर 150 ट्विन डिस्क में 149 सीसी का सिंगल-सिलिंडर, ट्विन-स्पार्क इंजन दिया गया है। यह इंजन 14 एचपी  की पावर और 13.4 न्यूटन मीटर का  टॉर्क जनरेट करता है। केटीएम 125 ड्यूक में पल्सर से कम सीसी का इंजन दिया गया है, लेकिन पावर के मामले में यह कम नहीं है। 125 ड्यूक में 124.7 सीसी का लिक्विड-कूल्ड, सिंगल सिलिंडर इंजन दिया गया है, जो 14.5 एचपी की पावर और 12 न्यूटन मीटर टॉर्क जनरेट करता है।

कीमत के मामले में पल्सर 150 बाइक केटीएम 125 ड्यूक से सस्ती है। पल्सर 150 बिक को भारत में 80,794 रुपये एक्सशोरुम है जबकी केटीएम 125 ड्यूक की कीमत 1.18 लाख रुपये एक्सशोरुम रखा गया है। साइज के मामले में पल्सर 150 बाजी मारते दिखती है।

इन दोनों बाइक्स के डिजाइन को देखें को केटीएम 125 को नेक्ड बाइक स्टाइल दिया गया है। 200 ड्यूक की तरह दिखने वाली इस बाइक को अलग बनाने के लिए इसमें दोबारा डिजाइन किए गए ग्राफिक्स दिए गए हैं। इसमें ट्रेली फ्रेम और ऐल्युमिनियम स्विंगआर्म है। पल्सर 150 ट्विन डिस्क की स्टाइलिंग स्पोर्ट्स बाइक्स की तरह है। इस बाइक में स्प्लिट सीट, स्प्लिट ग्रैब रेल्स, लंबा वीलबेस और चौड़ा व मोटा रियर टायर दिया गया है।

Leaked prototypes of the Zenfone 6 have shown an offset placement for the notch.

The display notch has been one of the most talked about features in the world of smartphones since the past two years. While Apple couldn’t fix it due to the hardware it packs in the latest iPhones, and Samsung has been avoiding it completely with uniform bezels, every other manufacturer has adopted the notch for an almost edge-to-edge display. ASUS was one of the first ones to show off the notch earlier this year with the Zenfone 5z and they are willing to set a new trend with notches if the leaks are to be believed.

A bunch of leaked photos on an Italian blog site shows a prototype ASUS smartphone claimed to be the Zenfone 6. The most notable feature on the handset is the new notch, or rather, the new placement of the notch within the confines of the display. Similar to the new bunch of new smartphones, the Zenfone 6 is flaunting a small water drop-style notch. However, unlike those phones, this prototype is sporting the notch towards the right corner of the display.

The new placement of the notch makes the status bar elements to be repositioned. The clock as well as all the app icons on the bar gets the full space, similar to any non-notched display design. However, the battery meter sits in the small corner between the notch and the bezel. The notch is seen holding only an RGB camera sensor. There’s still a thick chin at the bottom.

Rest of the Zenfone 6’s design seems to be pretty inspired by the OnePlus 6. The rear holds the dual camera set up in the centre. There also seems to be a fingerprint sensor sitting under the dual camera module. ASUS is still considering the 3.5mm headphone jack, sitting alongside the USB-C port. The frame seems to be made out of stainless steel, which could be the first for an ASUS smartphone.

If these leaked photos are to be believed, then ASUS could come up with an aggressive competitor to the OnePlus 6T. It could most probably debut with a successor to the Snapdragon 845 chip and run on Android Pie. However, it’s too early to say anything as these are unconfirmed photos of a prototype device, which is why you should this with a pinch of salt.
We’ve recently come to know that Samsung is not the only OEM that’s digging holes in their displays, Huawei is very close off its heels. Samsung first showed off its Infinity-O panels at a conference in San Francisco last month, and since then other OEMs have also come out of the closet with the same design. The latest is Lenovo. The company recently certified a triple camera device at TENAA now called the Lenovo Z5s. According to a blogger from Weibo, the same handset will have an in-screen camera design.

The blogger shared a post of the alleged Lenovo Z5s handset revealing its front today. There’s no way to say if the handset is the Lenovo Z5s itself but a recent teaser of the same device leaves no doubts regarding the same. The only thing different between Lenovo and Huawei’s implementation is the positioning of the camera lens. Lenovo goes for a more symmetrical look while Huawei moves the sensor to a top left position to make it less distracting and noticeable.

As far as other specifications are concerned, the Lenovo Z5s dimensions are phone: 156.7 × 74.5 × 7.8mm as revealed by MIIT. The handset is expected to have a 6.3-inch display and a 3120mAh battery running ZUI based on Android. The triple camera is also pretty obvious but detailed specifications of the individual sensors are not known yet. The handset with model number Lenovo L78071 is also believed to be the very first handsets that will boast a Snapdragon 8150 SoC on board. However, this is more of speculation rather than official info. The handset is thought to be launching next month, possibly on 4 December which is when the next Qualcomm flagship mobile CPU will also debut at an event in Hawaii.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Ducati SuperSport S is available in India at a price of Rs. 13.34 Lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). It is available in 2 colours - Red, White.

The Ducati Testastretta 11° 937 cc engine unleashes 110 HP at 9000 rpm and maximum torque of 9.5 kgm at 6500 rpm, of which 80% is already available at 3000 rpm. Sophisticated electronic management ensures full-bodied supply and an immediate, easy to manage response.

Ducati SuperSport S is much more than the regular model, offering premium components like 48 mm USD Ohlins front forks, Ohlins monoshock, 320 mm dual discs with Brembo M4-32 calipers and differently painted alloy wheels.

Ducati SuperSport S gives a mileage of 20.1 kmpl in highway, as tested by our experts.


Engine Description : Testastretta 11°, L-Twin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder, Desmodromic, liquid cooled
Fuel System : Electronic fuel injection system, Æ 53 mm throttle bodies with full Ride-by-Wire
Cooling : Liquid cooling
Displacement : 937 cc
Maximum Power : 110 HP @ 9,000 rpm
Maximum Torque : 93 NM @ 6,500 rpm
Emission Standard : Euro 4
Compression Ratio : 12.6± 0.5 :1
Bore : 94 mm
Stroke : 67.5 mm
Valve Clearance Check : 30,000 km (18,000 mi)
Maintenance Service Intervals : 15,000 km (9,000 mi) or 12 months


Primary drive : Straight cut gears; Ratio 1.84:1
Number of Gears : 6
Clutch : Wet multiplate clutch mechanically operated, self-servo action on drive, slipper action on over-run
Final Drive : Chain; Front sprocket 15; Rear sprocket 43
Gear Ratios

1st = 37/15
2nd = 30/17
3rd = 28/20
4th = 26/22
5th = 24/23
6th = 23/24

Braking (60-0 kmph) : 3.06s, 20.70m Sec
Quarter Mile : 11.63s @ 187.47 kmph Sec
Braking (100-0 kmph) : 4.39s, 45.75m Sec
Mileage (Highway) : 20.1 kmpl
40-80 kmph (4th gear) : 3.2 Sec
Braking (80-0 kmph) : 3.69s, 35.93m Sec
Mileage (City) : 17.4 kmpl
30-70 kmph (3rd gear) : 2.69


Frame/Chassis : Tubular steel Trellis frame attached to the chylinders head
Front Suspension : Fully adjustable 48mm (1.9 in) USD Ohlins forks
Rear Suspension : Progressive linkage with fully adjustable Ohlins monoshock. Aluminium single-sided swingarm

Front Brake : 2 x 320 mm (12.6 in) semi-floating discs, radially mounted Monobloc Brembo M4-32 callipers, 4-piston, radial pump with ABS as standard
Rear Brake : 245 mm (9.6 in) disc, 2-piston caliper, ABS as standard
Front Tyre : Pirelli Diablo Rosso III 120/70 ZR17
Rear Tyre : Pirelli Diablo Rosso III 180/55 ZR17
Front Wheel : Y shaped, 3-spoke in light alloy 3.50" x 17"
Rear Wheel : Y shaped, 3-spoke in light alloy 5.50" x 17"
Front Wheel Travel : 130 mm (5.12 in)
Rear Wheel Travel : 144 mm (5.67 in)


Overall Length : 2070 mm
Overall Width : 750 mm
Overall Height : 1150 mm
Seat Height : 810 mm
Wheelbase : 1478 mm
Dry Weight : 184 kg
Kerb/Wet Weight : 210 kg
Fuel Tank Capacity : 16 litres

Speedometer : Digital
Tachometer : Digital
Trip Meter : Digital
Odometer : Digital
Clock : Digital
Fuel Gauge : Digital

Ducati Quick Shift (DQS)

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)


Step-up Seat/Split Seat
Pass Light
Pillion Footrest
Engine Kill Switch
Electric Start
Riding Modes

 Bajaj Auto has quietly removed the Non-ABS variant of its flagship motorcycle, the Dominar 400, from its official website. This variant was previously listed as the Dominar 400 STD and, except the lack of an anti-lock braking system (ABS), was exactly similar to the higher priced Dominar 400 ABS variant. It was priced at Rs. 1.42 lakh as compared to the price tag of Rs. 1.63 lakh for the ABS model (all prices are ex-showroom, Delhi).

It is worth noting that customers have shown a clear inclination towards the ABS version of the Dominar in the past. The minor price difference between the two variants was totally justified by the security net of a dual-channel ABS. As a result, sales of the Dominar 400 ABS were much higher than the STD model. Additionally, with upcoming government regulations, all motorcycles with an engine capacity of more than 125cc will have to come with ABS as standard from April 2019. As a result, the vanishing of the Dominar 400 STD variant from the company website appears to be the model’s discontinuation from the Dominar lineup.

Bajaj is also working on a mid-life update for the Dominar 400, with test mules of the updated version already being spotted multiple times. This new version is expected to get USD (up-side down) forks at the front, a new belly pan, and a DOHC (dual overhead camshaft) engine configuration. This new version of the Dominar is likely to be launched by early 2019.


Another day, another brand new all-screen Android phone from China. Merely days after the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 and hours after the Nubia X, today's official unveiling of the Honor Magic 2 brings little surprise given its recent viral campaign. Still, there are some interesting tidbits: The Magic 2 bears the same 6.39-inch 2,340 x 1,080 AMOLED screen as the Mix 3, but rather than packing the popular Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, it uses Huawei's very own HiSilicon Kirin 980 chip -- the same "AI" brain inside the premium Mate 20 series -- made with the more advanced 7nm process. It even has an in-display fingerprint reader, a slightly bigger 3,500 mAh battery plus a total of six cameras from both sides. Take that, Galaxy A9!

Despite the near-identical sliding form factor, the Magic 2 actually uses a different mechanism than the Mix 3 -- a butterfly five-track sliding mechanism instead of the latter's dual neodymium magnetic rails. So far, I have to say that I prefer the Mix 3's springier and thus more reassuring feel, but that's not to say that the Magic 2 feels sloppy; it's fine as it is.

What's actually more distracting is the fact that this device's gradient mirror finish -- be it in red, blue or "black" (which is more of a "silver to black") -- is a fingerprint magnet, but that's nothing new for those who are already familiar with Huawei's P20 series or phones with similar two-tone finishes. Smudges aside, I actually like the red version, but I can also see how this bold design a big no-no for many people -- it's made for those who like to show off.

As for the six cameras, it's three on each side. The rear module bears some resemblance to the one on the Huawei P20 Pro, though it has a different setup: A 16-megapixel f/1.8 main camera, a 24-megapixel f/1.8 monochromatic camera plus a 16-megapixel f/2.2 super wide angle camera. Thanks to the Kirin 980's neural processing unit, the Magic 2's main camera also supports six-second handheld long exposure capture -- the same feature which the P20 series first impressed us with. As for video, there's 4K capture as well as super slow motion at up to 480 fps in 720p.

On the other side of the Magic 2, slide the screen down and you'll find a 16-megapixel f/2.0 camera in between a pair of 2-megapixel f/2.4 assistive cameras -- the latter set is for bokeh and various portrait lighting effects. Interestingly, on the more premium "3D Light" edition, the pair of cameras are replaced by infrared sensors, and the module has an additional dot projector. Honor didn't dive into the details, but my guess is that since the pair of infrared cameras can get depth perception, they are able to do 3D face scans without using a structured light 3D sensor -- a smart move to avoid potential lawsuits.

Other goodies include dual Nano SIM tray, NFC, 40W SuperCharge (10V/4A; 85-percent charge in 30 minutes), dual-frequency GPS, Yoyo voice assistant and Android 9.0. Oh, and there's a USB-C to headphone jack adapter in the box.

As you'd expect, the Honor Magic 2 is only available in China for the time being. The base model with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage is going for 3,799 yuan or about $545, whereas the top model with 8GB of RAM plus 256GB of storage is asking for 4,799 yuan or about $690. For those who crave for a whopping 512GB of storage space and also want to try Honor's very own 3D face scanning technology, the "3D Light" version -- which is further supported by a graphene heat spreader -- will be available in December for 5,799 yuan or about $830.


Slider phones are back and I couldn’t be happier. Nothing beats that satisfying snap as the phone clicks back into place. Xiaomi has updated the form factor for 2018 though, with a large bezel-free display, four cameras and premium ceramic build material. This is our Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 hands-on.

What strikes you when you see the Mi Mix 3 is its screen. A 6.39-inch Full HD+ AMOLED  panel from Samsung with 19.5:9 aspect ratio and 600-nit peak brightness occupies 93.4 percent of the phone. There’s no notch and only the smallest chin beneath the screen, which is covered in Gorilla Glass 5. You can enable an always-on display in the settings and you can adjust the color temperature of the display.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 delivers a 6.39-inch AMOLED display with 93.4% screen-to-body ratio and no notch.

Pick up the Mi Mix 3 and the first thing you’ll notice is its weight; it is easily among the heaviest phones I’ve ever used. At 218 grams, it’s 10 percent heavier than either the Vivo Nex  (199 grams) or the Galaxy Note 9 (201 grams). The Mi Mix 3 is a little slimmer and shorter than the Note 9, but has a more aggressive curve on the ceramic back panel so it feels a little less “edgy.”

The manual sliding mechanism is the standout feature here, with neodymium magnets used to lock the slider in place when open or closed. As you start to push the display in or out you encounter slight resistance as the magnets interact and then get that nostalgic click as the screen pops into place. It feels great and Xiaomi claims it can withstand 300,000 cycles. Unlike other phones with hidden cameras, the mechanism is fully manual, so no motor is required. This is a much better solution and much less likely to suffer from failure.

The manual slider mechanism uses neodymium magnets to lock the screen in place. It's cool, nostalgic, and infinitely satisfying.

The default slider action is to launch the front-facing camera, but it can also be customized to answer incoming calls or launch certain apps. The slider sounds can be swapped out too, so adding a lightsaber noise is easy as pie. Speaking of pie, the Mi Mix 3 launches with MIUI 10 and Android 9 Pie out of the box. When the Mi Mix 3 is in landscape mode while gaming, sliding the screen over will reveal an in-game menu to hide notifications, record the screen, or take a screenshot.

The slider isn’t just for fun. Like other bezel-free phones including the Oppo Find X and Vivo Nex, the front-facing camera only pops up when required. If you’re not using the face unlocking sensor or the front-facing camera, the phone can stay in its default state. So it’s only when you want a selfie or need to unlock your phone that you need to slide the screen down to reveal the cameras. The extra layer of security adds some peace of mind.

The front-facing camera only pops up when required and there's no motor to worry about.

Those front-facing cameras are a 24MP Sony IMX576 with 1.8-micron pixels and f/2.2 aperture lens and a secondary 2MP camera for portrait mode and bokeh effects. The main sensor uses pixel binning in low-light situations to combine light data from four adjacent pixels, dropping the resolution to 6MP and then upscaling the image back to 24MP. AI-supported portrait mode, studio lighting effects, and AI beautify settings round out the selfie options. I noticed some lens flares at the bottom of the frame, presumably from the overhead light bouncing off the edge of the screen section which sits right below the camera lens.

There’s an included case in the Mi Mix 3 box that has a cutaway at the bottom, so you can still slide the screen down with a case on. The USB Type-C cable in the box also has a kind of scalloped sheath so you can charge your Mi Mix 3 and still use the slider (other USB Type-C cables don’t let you do this). There’s a free 10W wireless charger in the box and 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A charging brick (with support for Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0).

The battery is a diminutive 3,200mAh cell, with the slider mechanism to blame for the smaller battery capacity. The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ if you want to buy an optional additional charger, as well as the regular Qi standard.

Flipping the phone over, the familiar ceramic build material and camera layout remain intact, with a stylish MIX logo towards the bottom. A capacitive fingerprint scanner provides options if you don’t want to use the face unlocking on the front. The Mi Mix 3 includes NFC for contactless payments.

The bottom edge has twin speaker grilles but only the one on the right is a speaker, the other just conceals a microphone. It gets decently loud and doesn’t sound terrible either, but it’s a far cry from excellent. It goes without saying there’s nowhere to include a headphone jack  on a slider phone and I’d do my best to keep the Mi Mix 3 away from water as it’s not IP rated. You’ll find a 3.5mm-to-USB-Type-C adapter included in the box so you can easily use your existing wired headphones.

The dual cameras on the back are both 12MP sensors. The main sensor is a Sony IMX363 with 1.4-micron pixels and dual pixel autofocus. An f/1.8 aperture lens sits on top with four axis OIS. The secondary sensor is a Samsung S5K3M3+ with 1-micron pixels and a 2x optical f/2.4 aperture lens in front.

Both cameras support various AI modes, but the main Sony sensor is the one handling 960fps slow-motion video (at 1080p or 720p). It’s not true 960fps like you’d find on a Galaxy Note 9 though, as the IMX363 doesn’t have built-in DRAM on which to store such high frame rates before offloading them to the image buffer. The Mi Mix 3 uses frame interpolation to achieve 960fps, meaning it won’t be as high quality as that found on a device with built-in DRAM on the sensor.

Xiaomi made a big deal about the Mi Mix 3’s low-light performance via night mode, posting side-by-side images with the Huawei P20 Pro  showing the Mi Mix 3 to be superior. Some of the differences were pretty minimal, and we’d have to put the Mi Mix 3 up against the latest from Huawei, the Mate 20 Pro, to see if Xiaomi has truly outpaced its Chinese competitor in the low-light stakes. I don’t have a Mate 20 Pro with me in Beijing, so you’ll have to wait a little longer for that comparison. The Mi Mix 3 achieves its low-light results via multi-frame noise reduction, AI light metering, and AI image stabilization and calibration.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 specs top out at 10GB of RAM and 256GB of storage with the Snapdragon 845 for ~$720.

The rest of the specs of the Mi Mix 3 are top notch, with the Snapdragon 845 mobile platform with Adreno 630 GPU running the show. There are several variants of the Mi Mix 3: 6GB with 128GB of storage, 8GB with 128GB, 8GB with 256GB and a special limited-edition “Forbidden City Palace Museum” version with 10GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Prices are as follows: 6GB/128GB 3,299 yuan (~$475); 8GB/128GB 3,599 yuan (~$520); 8GB/256GB 3,999 yuan (~$575); 10GB/256GB special edition 4,999 (~$720). All versions use UFS 2.1 flash memory and LPDDR4x RAM.

Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
Display 6.39-inch AMOLED
2,340 x 1,080 resolution
19.5:9 screen ratio
SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
Octa-core, up to 2.8Ghz
GPU Adreno 630
Storage 128GB/256GB
UFS 2.1
Cameras Rear cameras
Main: 12MP with 1.4 micron pixels, 4-axis OIS, f/1.8 aperture (IMX363)
Secondary: 12MP 2x telephoto with 1.0 micron pixels, f/2.4 aperture (S5K3M3+)
Video: 4K at 60/30fps, 1080p at 960/240/120/60/30fps, 720p at 960/240/120/30fps
Front cameras
Main: 24MP with 1.8 micron "super pixels", f/2.2 aperture (IMX576)
Secondary: 2MP sensor for depth effects (OV02A10)
Audio USB Type-C
No headphone jack
Battery 3,200mAh battery
Quick Charge 4+
10 watt wireless charging
IP rating N/A
Sensors Rear fingerprint
Ambient Light
Electronic Compass
Network GSM: B2, B3, B5, B8 CDMA 1X, EVDO: BC0, BC6, BC10
WCDMA: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B10
TDD-LTE: B34, B38, B39, B40, B41(2496-2690)
FDD-LTE: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B12, B13, B17, B18, B19,B20, B25, B26, B28, B29, B30, B66
Connectivity Wi-Fi: 2x2 MIMO, MU-MIMO, 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 2.4G/5G
Bluetooth 5.0
AptX/AptX-HD support
Dual frequency GPS (GPS L1+L5, Galileo E1+E5a, QZSS L1+L5, GLONASS L1, Beidou B1)
SIM Dual nano-SIM
Dual 4G standby
Software MIUI 10
Android 9.0 Pie
Dimensions and weight 157.9 x 74.7 x 8.5mm
Colors Jade Green
Onyx Black
Sapphire Blue

Xiaomi’s voice assistant, Xiao AI, can be accessed via the dedicated assistant button on the left of the phone. It will likely be replaced by Google Assistant on the global version but I couldn’t get this confirmed. 5G  support will be coming on the limited edition version but not until next year. As always, take any claims of “5G” with a pinch of salt. You’ll need your carrier to support it at any rate. The Mi Mix 3 thankfully features global bands.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 comes in three colors – onyx black, jade green, and sapphire blue – the most Xiaomi has ever offered at launch. It will be available in China on November 1, with select global markets to follow. There are currently no confirmed launch markets or prices outside China.

What do you think of the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3? Would you buy one if it comes to your market?

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